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Discover the Distance between Chicago and New Zealand – Everything You Need to Know

Discover the Distance between Chicago and New Zealand – Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered how far New Zealand really is from Chicago? It's certainly not just a quick hop across the pond. In fact, this journey requires quite a bit of travel time and planning. But just how far are these two destinations?

The distance between Chicago and Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, is approximately 8,740 miles. That's quite a distance! To give you some perspective, that's equivalent to flying from Chicago to Moscow, Russia or from London, England to Santiago, Chile.

If you were to take a direct flight from Chicago to Auckland, it would take you around 17-18 hours to get there. However, most flights have layovers, which can add a significant amount of time to your journey. On average, you can expect your travel time to be around 24-30 hours depending on your airline and route.

But despite the long travel time, New Zealand is definitely worth the trip. Its natural beauty, friendly locals, and unique culture make it a popular destination for travelers from all over the world.

If you're planning a trip to New Zealand from Chicago, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have a valid passport and any necessary visas before you travel. It's also important to plan ahead when it comes to transportation and accommodations, especially during peak travel season.

One way to make your journey smoother is to break up your travel time. Consider stopping over in a city like Los Angeles or San Francisco, which offer plenty of things to see and do while you wait for your connecting flight to Auckland.

Another option is to book your flights and accommodations through a travel agency. They can often help you find the best deals and make suggestions on where to go and what to do during your stay in New Zealand.

Once you arrive in New Zealand, there are plenty of things to explore. From the stunning Milford Sound to the beaches of the Bay of Islands, there's something for everyone in this beautiful country.

If you're a fan of outdoor activities, New Zealand is definitely the place for you. With its rugged terrain and diverse ecosystems, there are ample opportunities for hiking, kayaking, surfing, and more.

But if adventure sports aren't your thing, don't worry. New Zealand is also home to many fantastic museums, cafes, and restaurants, where you can soak up the local culture.

In conclusion, while the distance between Chicago and New Zealand may seem daunting at first, it's definitely worth the journey. With careful planning and a sense of adventure, you can make the most of your trip to this beautiful and unique destination. So what are you waiting for? Book your flights and start exploring!

How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago
"How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago" ~ bbaz

New Zealand and Chicago: A Distance Analysis

Traversing the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand and Chicago are two places that couldn't be more different. One is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific, renowned for stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and a laid-back lifestyle. The other is a bustling city in the Midwestern United States, famous for its towering skyscrapers, deep-dish pizza, and rich cultural heritage. Despite their differences, these two destinations draw visitors from all over the world and spark curiosity about just how far apart they really are.

The Basics of Distance

For those who need a quick answer, the distance between New Zealand and Chicago is approximately 8,376 miles (13,469 kilometers) as the crow flies. Of course, this doesn't take into account the numerous factors that can affect travel time and distance, such as flight routing, layovers, and detours. To get a more detailed understanding of how far apart these two places are, we need to dig a little deeper.

Factors That Affect Distance

One of the biggest factors that can affect the distance between two places is the type of transportation being used. For example, if you were to travel from New Zealand to Chicago by car or train, you would be out of luck since there's no direct land route available. Instead, you would need to fly or take a combination of flights and other modes of transportation to reach your destination.

The routing of flights can also impact the distance. While the shortest distance between two points is a straight line (also known as the great-circle distance), many commercial airlines don't follow this exact route due to a variety of reasons. Pilots may divert around bad weather, choose more favorable winds, or follow established flight paths that are safer or more efficient.

Flight Distances between New Zealand and Chicago

The simplest way to travel between New Zealand and Chicago (or any two far-flung destinations) is by air. Fortunately, several airlines offer non-stop or direct flights between Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, and Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. Here are the flight distances for some of the major carriers:

  • United Airlines: 8,197 miles (13,203 kilometers)
  • Air New Zealand: 8,184 miles (13,183 kilometers)
  • American Airlines: 8,210 miles (13,224 kilometers)

As you can see, the differences in flight distances between these airlines are relatively small. However, it's worth noting that the actual distance covered during a flight can vary based on a number of factors as mentioned earlier.

Travel Time and What to Expect

It's not just the distance that travelers need to take into account; travel time is also an important consideration. It's no secret that flying from one side of the world to the other can be a long and arduous journey. The flight time from Auckland to Chicago usually takes around 16-18 hours on average, depending on which airline you choose and how many layovers your trip includes. In some cases, you may need to break up your journey into two or more legs, which can add significant travel time to your total trip.

In terms of what to expect during your trip, most flights from Auckland to Chicago include ample in-flight entertainment and meal services to keep passengers comfortable and entertained. Additionally, both airports have plenty of amenities available to travelers, including restaurants, shops, and lounges.

The Bottom Line

In summary, New Zealand and Chicago are separated by a considerable distance of about 8,376 miles, or roughly 16-18 hours of flight time. While the actual distance covered during a flight can vary based on several factors, non-stop or direct flights between the two destinations are available through several major airlines. Travelers can expect a long but comfortable journey with plenty of amenities and in-flight services to keep them entertained and well-fed.

Whether you're planning a visit to New Zealand or Chicago (or both), understanding the distance between these two places is crucial for planning your trip and managing your expectations. While they may be far apart geographically, both destinations offer unique experiences and adventures that are worth the effort of getting there.

How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago: A Comprehensive Comparison Blog


When it comes to traveling, the distance between two locations is crucial information. It helps you determine how long the journey will take and how much it will cost. In this comparison blog, we will look at the distance between New Zealand and Chicago, two vastly different destinations in terms of culture, geography, and lifestyle. We will also explore the best ways to get there, including travel time, flights, visas, and more.

Geographic Location

New Zealand and Chicago are located on different hemispheres, separated by vast oceans and continents. New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, about 7,000 miles southeast of Chicago. It comprises two main islands, North Island and South Island, as well as numerous smaller islands. On the other hand, Chicago is a city located in the Midwest region of the United States, in the state of Illinois, near Lake Michigan. Its latitude is about 41.8756° N, while New Zealand's latitude is about 45.0259° S.

Distance Calculation

The distance between New Zealand and Chicago varies depending on the method of calculation. If we use the direct flight distance, it is approximately 8,508 miles (13,683 km). It takes about 17-18 hours of non-stop air travel, with several airlines providing regular direct flights between Auckland (New Zealand's largest city) and Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD). However, if we take into account the surface distance (i.e., traveling over land and sea), the distance increases to around 11,125 miles (17,888 km). This longer route involves connecting flights, multiple layovers, and different modes of transportation, such as buses, trains, and ferries, depending on the itinerary and budget.

Climate and Seasons

New Zealand and Chicago have different climates and seasons. As a subtropical island nation, New Zealand enjoys mild temperatures throughout the year, but with seasonal variations across regions. The summer months (December-February) are the busiest and warmest, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C. The winter months (June-August) are colder, with occasional snowfall, especially in the alpine regions. On the other hand, Chicago has a continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Summer (June to August) is hot and humid, with temperatures averaging around 26°C. Winter (December to February) can be extremely cold, with temperatures dropping as low as -18°C and heavy snowfall. Spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) are mild and pleasant, with changing foliage colors.

Comparison Table: Climate and Seasons

| Parameter | New Zealand | Chicago || --------- | ----------- | ------- || Average Temperature | 12°C (54°F) | 12.8°C (55°F) || Summer Season | December-February | June-August || Winter Season | June-August | December-February || Precipitation | Year-round | May-October || Snowfall | Alpine Regions | December-March |

Culture and Lifestyle

New Zealand and Chicago have unique cultures and lifestyles that reflect their history, ethnicity, and geography. New Zealand has a diverse population of around 5 million people, comprising indigenous Maori, Pacific Islanders, Asians, and Europeans. Its culture is known for its emphasis on nature and outdoor activities, such as hiking, surfing, skiing, and rugby. It also has a thriving arts and music scene, with famous artists like Lorde and Neil Finn. Chicago, on the other hand, is a cosmopolitan city with over 2.7 million residents, known for its architecture, food, and sports. It has a rich cultural heritage, influenced by immigrants from various countries, such as Poland, Mexico, China, and Italy. It is also home to numerous museums, theaters, parks, and festivals, such as the Art Institute of Chicago, Magnificent Mile, Grant Park, and Lollapalooza.


Both New Zealand and Chicago offer unique and unforgettable experiences for travelers, depending on their interests and preferences. While New Zealand is ideal for nature lovers and adventure seekers, Chicago is perfect for city enthusiasts and culture aficionados. Overall, the distance between these two places may seem daunting, but with advanced technology and modern transportation options, it is now easier than ever to connect these two regions and discover their wonders.

How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago

If you’re planning to travel from Chicago, USA to New Zealand, you’re certainly in for a long-distance journey. As the two countries are separated by vast oceans, it is crucial to know the distance and time to plan out your visit to New Zealand. In this article, we’ll guide you on how far New Zealand is from Chicago, along with some helpful tips.

Distance between New Zealand and Chicago

New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ocean, while Chicago lies in the midwestern region of the United States. The distance between the two destinations is approximately 8,552 miles or 13,756 kilometers. This means that you’d have to cover a long-distance flight to reach New Zealand from Chicago.

Flights from Chicago to New Zealand

The quickest way to travel from Chicago to New Zealand is by taking a flight. However, there are no direct flights from Chicago to New Zealand, and you will have to take one or more connecting flights. You can find multiple airlines offering flights from Chicago to New Zealand, including popular carriers such as American Airlines, United Airlines, Air New Zealand, and Emirates.

Connecting Flights

The most common routes for connecting flights from Chicago to New Zealand involve stopovers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sydney, or Auckland. Flight times can vary depending on the route, airline, and stopovers.

Flight Duration

Even with connecting flights, traveling from Chicago to New Zealand takes around 18-24 hours. This may increase depending on the length of your layovers. It’s important to keep in mind that crossing over multiple time zones during this journey may lead to jet lag.

Tips for Travelling Between Chicago and New Zealand

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when travelling between Chicago and New Zealand:

Plan ahead

Given the distance, it's advisable to plan your trip ahead of time. This includes booking your flights and accommodation well in advance.

Be Prepared for Long Flights

As the journey takes about 18-24 hours, ensure you pack all necessary essentials, such as comfortable clothing, blankets, eye masks, headphones, chargers, and books or magazines to pass the time during flights.

Acclimate before beginning your journey

To prevent jet lag, it is recommended that you acclimate yourself to New Zealand’s time zone a day or two before your flight.

Take Advantage of Stopovers

If you have layovers, take the time to explore the cities you’re stopping over in. You can gain a new perspective, and it’s a good opportunity to stretch and move before your next flight.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the distance between New Zealand and Chicago may seem impossible to cover in a single stretch, and it does require long flights and multiple layovers. Nonetheless, with thorough planning and preparation, travelling between these two destinations is doable. Ensure you make the most of stopovers, stay hydrated during your journey, and plan ahead of time for an enjoyable trip.

How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago?

If you're planning to visit New Zealand from Chicago, understanding the distance and travel options ahead of time is crucial. New Zealand is a beautiful country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, friendly culture, and outdoor adventure opportunities.

Chicago, on the other hand, is a bustling city in the Midwest known for its stunning architecture, delicious food, and sports teams. One could say that these two places couldn't be more different. And yet, with modern flight technology, it's surprisingly easy to get from one place to the other.

In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about traveling from Chicago to New Zealand, including distances, travel times, and transportation options. Let's dive in!

The Distance from Chicago to New Zealand

The first thing you should know is that the distance between these two places isn't a short hop, skip, and jump. It's quite a long journey no matter how you look at it.

When measured in miles, the distance between Chicago and Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, is around 8,432 miles. In kilometers, that's approximately 13,580 kilometers. That's quite a significant distance.

Travel Times Between Chicago and New Zealand

So how long does it take to travel such a distance? There's no one set answer as travel times can vary based on a few different factors.

Firstly, the duration of your trip will depend on whether you're taking a direct flight to New Zealand or a connecting flight. If you fly directly, you'll land in Auckland International Airport on New Zealand's North Island after approximately 16.5 hours of travel time.

But if you opt for a connecting flight, the trip could end up being a few hours longer, depending on the layover time between flights and your destination airport. For example, if you connect to Christchurch on New Zealand's South Island instead of flying directly to Auckland, your travel time could be closer to 22-24 hours.

The Best Time to Visit New Zealand

The next thing to consider is when the best time to visit New Zealand is. The answer varies depending on what you're looking for, but generally, the country's peak tourist season is from December to February.

Keep in mind that this is also their summer season, so the weather's typically warm and sunny. However, it can also be crowded, and accommodation and transportation costs could be higher than usual. If you prefer fewer crowds and lower prices, visiting between March and May or September and November could be ideal.

Transportation Options Between Chicago and New Zealand

Now that we've covered how far New Zealand is from Chicago and potential travel times let's look at some transportation options you have available.

The only real option for traveling to New Zealand from Chicago is by air. There are no land or sea routes available that would offer a quicker path from one place to the other. However, you do have some choices when it comes to selecting an airline and itinerary.

You can choose from a variety of airlines, including United Airlines, American Airlines, Air New Zealand, Delta Air Lines, Cathay Pacific, Qantas Airways, and Singapore Airlines. It's worth shopping around to find the best deals and options for your trip.

Preparing for Your Trip

As with any long journey, there are some steps you should take to prepare for your trip properly. Here are some essential things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your passport is valid: Your passport should be valid for at least six months after your return date. Double-check that it's not expired or near its expiration date.
  • Get travel insurance: Travel insurance can help protect you from potential losses and mishaps that could occur while you're traveling. Make sure you have purchased the right travel insurance.
  • Check visa requirements: If you're planning to stay in New Zealand for more than three months, you'll need to apply for a visa. Check their government website for more information on visa requirements.
  • Choose your seats carefully: When booking your tickets, choose your seats with care — ideally, pick an aisle or window seat that gives you both comfort and easy access to the bathroom.

Frequently Asked Questions About Traveling to New Zealand from Chicago

Here are a few frequently asked questions that travelers to New Zealand have:

  1. Do I need to bring a power converter or adapter?
  2. Yes, you will need a power converter or adapter when traveling from Chicago to New Zealand as they use different plugs and sockets. However, some modern electronics, such as smartphones and laptops, may not require a converter as they can adjust to different voltages automatically.

  3. What currency is used in New Zealand?
  4. The currency used in New Zealand is the New Zealand dollar (NZD).

  5. What's the time difference between Chicago and New Zealand?
  6. The time difference between Chicago and Auckland is approximately 18 hours. New Zealand is nearly one day ahead of Chicago.

  7. Do I need to be vaccinated before traveling to New Zealand?
  8. No, vaccinations aren't required to enter New Zealand. However, be sure to talk with your doctor to ensure that you're up-to-date with any necessary immunizations.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors

Traveling to a beautiful country like New Zealand takes time and effort, but it's definitely worth it. With some careful planning and preparation before your trip, you can experience everything this incredible country has to offer.

So whether you're interested in hiking stunning glaciers, visiting geothermal springs or sinking your toes into one of New Zealand's many beaches, start planning your trip today!

How Far Is New Zealand From Chicago

What is the distance between New Zealand and Chicago?

The distance between New Zealand and Chicago is approximately 8,550 miles or 13,747 kilometers.

What is the flight time between New Zealand and Chicago?

The average flight time between New Zealand and Chicago is around 18 hours and 30 minutes. However, this may vary depending on factors such as layover time, number of stops, and airline.

What is the best way to travel from New Zealand to Chicago?

The best way to travel from New Zealand to Chicago is by air. There are several airlines that offer direct and connecting flights between the two destinations.

How many airlines operate flights between New Zealand and Chicago?

Several airlines operate flights between New Zealand and Chicago, including Air New Zealand, United Airlines, Qantas, and American Airlines.

What is the cost of a flight from New Zealand to Chicago?

The cost of a flight from New Zealand to Chicago may vary depending on factors such as airline, time of booking, and season. On average, a round-trip ticket can cost anywhere from $900 to $1,500.

What time zone differences are there between New Zealand and Chicago?

New Zealand time is 17 hours ahead of Chicago time. So, when it is 12:00 PM (noon) in New Zealand, it will be 7:00 PM the previous day in Chicago.

In Conclusion

The distance between New Zealand and Chicago is significant, and traveling between the two takes a considerable amount of time and money. However, with numerous airlines offering direct and connecting flights, the journey is definitely possible for those willing to embark on it.

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